Hunting On Foot With Dog



Experience firsthand the exciting world of red-legged partridge hunting on foot, an experience highly demanded by hunters from all corners of the world who seek contact with nature while having the opportunity to also hunt rabbits and hares. 

The hunting season runs from October to March. In this modality, which RV-HUNTING IN SPAIN masters to perfection, first class pointing dogs are required, true experts in tracking and locating these elusive species. The art of shooting in this form of hunting is completely different from driven hunts, since the partridge takes flight at a short distance from us.







At RV-HUNTING IN SPAIN, we highly value the authenticity and excitement of hunting on foot. We want to provide you with a unique experience, where you can enjoy the exceptional work of our dogs and get into the beauty of nature. Our expert guides will accompany you every step of the way, sharing their passion for hunting and knowledge of the terrain, so that every partridge shot generates an unforgettable memory.





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