Enter the magical territory known as “el Maestrazgo”, in eastern Spain, it is the habitat of a jewel of nature: the Ibex de Beceite. This area is characterized by a dizzying transformation, rising from sea level to staggering altitudes of 1,700 meters in just 50 kilometers.
The rugged terrain and spectacular cliffs have forged a perfect habitat for this majestic animal. The Ibex de Beceite stands as one of the most imposing specimens of our Iberian fauna and one of the largest and most relevant trophies.
Its horns, usually the largest of the 4 species, exhibit deep rings and unfold majestically in the shape of a palm tree. Each of these rings represents a year of resistance and survival in their natural environment in which only the Ibex is able to subsist.
The hunting season runs from October to May, but it is in the period from late November to December that the excitement reaches its climax. During the mating season is when the big males fight for their territories and an unforgettable scene is created for hunting enthusiasts.